Obama Tells Catholics That Human Beings Deserve to Live in Dignity, Neglects to Define “Human Being”

Well, this is rich.

On Tuesday during a speech in front of the Catholic Health Association, President Obama recalled how his first job out of college taught him that “every human being, made in the image of God, deserves to live in dignity” and that “all children…ought to have the opportunity to achieve their God-given potential.”

Part of his speech via CNS News:

“There were times where I felt like quitting, where I wondered if the path I’d chosen was too hard,” said Obama. “But despite these challenges, I saw how kindness and compassion and faith can change the arc of people’s lives,” he said. “And I saw the power of faith–a shared belief that every human being, made in the image of God, deserves to live in dignity; that all children, no matter who they are or where they come from or how much money they were born into, ought to have the opportunity to achieve their God-given potential; that we are all called, in the words of His Holiness Pope Francis, ‘to satisfy the demands of justice, fairness, and respect for every human being.’”

This from the man who voted against legislation in Illinois that would define a fetus born alive, even one that survived an abortion, as a “human being,” “child,” “person,” or an “individual.” His reason for the nay vote? Because if you call a “fetus” that survives an abortion a “person,” it’s protected under the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution. Oh, the horror!

Just more proof that the left only wants equal rights for some. The ones they choose.

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