A Rant By FR: The Right to Stupidity

Am I going crazy? Are We the People really going to allow our government to distort and take away our rights that our ancestors fought and died for? I read and watch the news, and every day, I get more and more astounded at what our government is doing and what we are allowing it to do. A few questions frequently run through my mind…

Question 1: Why is a bald eagle’s egg protected without exceptions, but a baby in the womb is not?

Answer: Stupidity.

Question 2: Why did we ever discuss whether or not it’s okay to use drones to attack American citizens?

Answer: Stupidity. American citizens have the right to due process under our Constitution. Should we not question why it is illegal to waterboard but legal to kill with a drone? Really?

Question 3: Why do we ever have discussions on whether or not to ban any type of gun?

Answer: Stupidity. American citizens have a right to bear arms, according to our Constitution. Do we remember anything we learned in history class? Governments disarmed their citizens to control them and commit genocide upon them. The United States once said that if you were black, you could not own a gun. How many black people died during the civil rights movement because they didn’t have sufficient means to protect themselves? And how many died while slavery was still legal? The right to own a gun is essential to being free.

Question 4: Why do we ever have discussions on limiting the amount of ammunition American citizens can purchase or have in their possession?

Answer: Stupidity. See answer to question 3.

Question 5: What sane person thinks a successful way to get out of debt is to spend more money?

Answer: No sane person who managed to make it through 5th grade math.

Question 6: Where in the Constitution does it say that we are entitled to free birth control provided by the taxpayer?

Answer: Nowhere. Obamacare’s propaganda pushers told us that to not pay for other people’s birth control was to deny them access to birth control. People seriously need to look up the definitions of the words “access” and “deny.” If I’m not paying for your birth control, that does not in any way deny you access to birth control. Birth control is readily available at all convenience stores, doctor’s offices, health departments, and even schools! You have access! And oh by the way, if the use of birth control is against my religion, forcing me to pay for birth control is a violation of my First Amendment right to freedom of religion.

Question 7: Where in the Constitution does it say that the government can force me to buy a product or service?

Answer: Nowhere. In fact, it is completely unconstitutional.

Question 8: Does it make sense that I can carry ice skates with a blade that can slice and dice onto an airplane but, as a friend of mine recently found out, can’t take a jar of locally-made jelly onto the plane?

Answer: Ummm…NO, that makes no sense! No explanation needed on this one because it’s just plain stupid.

These are just a few things that infuriate me on a daily basis. Our government has been systematically taking away our rights for decades. They started slowly by creating a government-dependent society where they encouraged people to stay single and have children, then the government began to provide those people money for food and shelter. They started dumbing down our children and brainwashing them in public schools. More recently, they have been very aggressive at overreaching by exploiting tragedies such as school shootings in order to push their unconstitutional measures. They are playing on people’s fears in order to further their agendas.

A dependent, less intelligent, and emotional people are much more easily manipulated and controlled. Please, please people, pay attention to what is happening! Only the people of America have the lives and luxuries that we have because of our Constitution, not in spite of it! It is not some old, outdated document. Our ancestors fought and died in order for us to be free. If we allow our government to take away any of those freedoms, those people will have died in vain, and the United States of America will cease to exist.

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